The internet is flooded with articles on homeowner water conservation, yet why do so many water utility attempts to educate customers seem to fall on deaf ears? Perhaps the problem is not as much about educating people on what to do (water-saving checklists and guidelines) as it is about motivating them on why to do it (personal reward). Consider […]
It doesn’t matter which came first — chickens, eggs, farmers, or consumers. When water scarcity is involved, all parties are interdependent. Limiting agricultural or industrial water use in favor of residential use does a community no good if the local economy cannot support existing jobs, or attract new ones, for its residents. In regions chronically […]
Identify The Potential Exposure Why do people steal water? Beyond the obvious answer “because they can,” there are multiple reasons why people might be pressured into diverting the metered flow of treated drinking water: Personal Greed. Residential customers in various circumstances might be tempted to bypass their water meters for at least part of a billing period. […]
Most people accept that major purchases in life — e.g., housing, automobiles, appliances — come with cyclical budgeting impacts that require amortizing costs over the long term, through savings or borrowing. Why should anyone expect the national water infrastructure to be any different? The reality is that relatively long life-expectancies for major water infrastructure components […]
The Value of Water
Water is life. It’s a catchy slogan that is so true we often miss the forest for the trees. Water is, quite literally, life. Without it, life as we know it ceases to exist. And yet modern day water treatment and distribution infrastructure and operational systems have made the gift of water so easy, we’ve […]
Penny for Your Thoughts?
In January, Master Meter Inc. posted about our new website launch. This was built with you, the customer, in mind. Today we wanted to do a little #TBT (#ThrowbackThursday) to that blog. Refresh your memory and read the January 2018 blog here: Need a quick synopsis? It’s full of freebies, New Year’s resolutions, and a […]
How Global IoT Day on April 9 Helps You Exceed Your Customers’ Expectations
At Master Meter Inc., we are excited to celebrate Global IoT Day on April 9. With our innovative advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) and automatic meter reading (AMR) technology, who can blame us if we geek out about a day called #IoTDay? The internet of things simply means any object with an on/off switch that can […]
World Water Day
World Water Day is March 22 but the celebration around water started early on March 14-15 at the Water Gala and Innovation Forum hosted by Imagine H2O. The Water Gala is when Imagine H2O showcases the water tech startups applicants selected for the current year. These companies will be given the resources to develop, launch, […]
Taking Control of Leaks: the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
Clint Eastwood, the film industry icon, once said, “Aging can be fun if you lay back and enjoy it” #SaidNoWaterUtilitiesDirectorEver. Sorry Mr. Eastwood, you’ve clearly never experienced life in water utilities. The water industry is constantly grappling with old versus new. The moment a piece of infrastructure is put in the ground, it’s aging. If […]
Is Communication the Missing Piece in your AMI Implementation Strategy?
It’s February–the month of love. While Valentine’s Day may be behind us, love is still in the air. Our love story begins just beneath the surface, in your meter box. With a name like Master Meter, Inc. it’s no surprise that we love meters. There are several Master Meter products vying for attention, but the […]
At Master Meter, Inc we pride ourselves on being technology partners to water utilities for more than four decades. We work hard to stay in tune with industry trends so that we can offer our customers cutting-edge technology. We realize though, that our customers may not share our techie tendencies. We wanted to shed some […]
New Year – New Site – New Vision
We are incredibly excited to launch our new website. We built it with you, our customers, in mind. We hope that the new format will make it easier to find the information that you need. The new year is right around the corner and we’re kicking off 2018 with a new mindset. We want Master […]
As Sacramento Enforces Water Restrictions, Smart Meters Are Key
Those following headlines about water services are likely all too familiar with the city of Sacramento. The Californian capital has had more than its fair share of water issues, from dealing with the state’s water scarcity problems to a recent lawsuit charging hexavalent chromium contamination in local water supplies. And the city is now in […]
Analysts: Big Data A Water Infrastructure Solution
As the water infrastructure crisis frustrates policymakers across the country, an increasing number of water managers are looking to sensors and big data as ways to cut costs and save customers from rate hikes. Busted water mains and leaky pipes are challenging water systems across the country. The definitive report on infrastructure, issued last month for the first time in four years, put a spotlight on the deep challenges the nation faces in upgrading its water and wastewater systems.
The Smartest Cities: Sensors In Municipal Life
How can sensors make cities smarter? A group in the U.K. known as the Flood Network provides one example. The group installs sensors in streams, river, and even ditches to send flood warnings to local residents, according to Sourceable.