For too long water has been the silent utility. But no more! The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is launching a new water awareness event called Source Water Protection Week, and we say bring it on! From September 26 to October 2, we will be promoting Source Water Protection Week on our social media and […]
Data Doesn’t Lie: Solid-State Meters Are the Future
You wouldn’t buy a typewriter in 2021, would you? Of course not, because a PC, Mac, or even your cell phone far exceeds anything you can accomplish with a typewriter. So, why stick with your old meters — which, despite having a long lifespan, accumulate more and more issues as they age — while upgrading […]
Got Water?
Got water? Sure, most of us in the United States do. But do we ever stop to smell the roses of odorless fresh potable water? Do we reflect on what reliable water means for the economic life of our community? Texas’s harsh deep freeze earlier this year reminded us Texans of our vulnerability, and after […]
4 Ways the New Administration Can Impact Our Communities by Supporting the Water Industry
At Master Meter, we spend time with water utility employees to get to know our customers. We’re friends with customer service agents, utility managers, and field technicians, like Irma Mendoza of Round Rock, TX and Jeff Price of Mansfield, TX. We know what drives them to come to work every day. These amazing people like […]
Can’t Fix a Leak You Don’t Know Exists
Though we’re still wrapping our heads around what happened in Texas last month, we would be remiss if we didn’t thank the many utility workers who have been working doggedly during and after the recent winter storm, Uri. These front line workers worked countless hours to not only restore water service to their communities but […]
Missing Something? Address Water Loss Head On
Water loss too often gets dismissed. Yet, if you are talking to your water utility’s board of directors and 30% of your presentation wasn’t heard or seen by them, you’d stop immediately to diagnose the problem. If it was beyond your capabilities, you’d grab an expert to help solve the issue. What about water loss […]
Water Stewardship – Because Everyone is a Water Manager
Smart water technology has evolved the water utility’s role within municipalities to have a seat at the proverbial Smart City table, participate in the IoT plan, and drive water stewardship. There are many benefits to replacing your meter system with AMI (Advanced Meter Infrastructure) technology. For the utility, the game-changer is when you couple it […]
A Call for Collaboration During a Pandemic
Pandemic Collaboration In the midst of a pandemic, the President of the United States signed an Executive Order giving the water industry an opportunity to unite together. It asks us to address aging water infrastructure, water supply reliability, improve water quality, and sets up a framework and structure for the federal government to collaborate and […]
AI & the Water Sector
Much has been speculated already about how emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence can help out many sectors, including the water sector. It might seem like a far-fetched idea for some utilities; however, as we are well into 2020 now, some companies are already helping to forge this into reality.
The Bottled vs. Tap Debacle
Tap water has a great origin story. In the early 1900s, public water systems began routinely disinfecting drinking water supplies. This turned out to be critical in the reduction of waterborne diseases. Water has always been an innovative industry. Imagine if routine disinfection of drinking water had been met with resistance, or hadn’t been thought […]
Measure What Matters
We’ve heard it for years…
Can You Imagine A Day Without Water?
Did you know? The average American uses 17.2 gallons of water every time they shower — and that’s only a small portion of a person’s day. Can you imagine an entire day where you couldn’t use water at all? The “Imagine A Day Without Water” campaign aims to educate people about the value of water […]
The 2019 Smart Water Summit, which took place in Arizona at the end of August, marked 2.5 days of boardroom meetings and solution showcases with more than 120 utility guests and 50 vendor partners. The summit offered an opportunity for utility leaders to see the next best smart water innovations available. Master Meter was honored […]
Building Trust By Building on the Customer Experience: AI and Water
Branding and customer experience are complicated in an industry where customers don’t have a choice in their water and wastewater service provider. Historically, water utilities focused on protecting public health and the environment, which are important to the health and vitality of a community. But water utilities are more than environmental and public health entities; […]
The Future of Water Tech: Smart or Intelligent?
As a company in the business of developing smart water solutions, we’ve grown increasingly curious about the conversation happening around intelligent water. It was all a buzz at ACE 2019, so we decided to take a deeper dive.
Last month Master Meter, Inc. presented at the Smart Water Summit at the PGA Resort & Spa in Palm Beach, FL. Since 2014, the Agora Smart Water Summit has brought together vendor partners and water utilities to create an intimate environment for in-depth discussions about updating technology and improving infrastructure. Technology and infrastructure improvements come […]
On August 6-7, 2018, water industry leaders from across the country joined in Washington D.C. to discuss the issue of affordability. Why is this even a matter of discussion? Across the globe, water is declared a human right. Period. End of story, right? Not so fast. While the taglines hold truth, the process to make […]