Allegro Mobile uses the same Allegro UTG endpoint as Allegro AMI – which means that when you’re ready to scale up and fully automate hourly meter reading and alerts – all of your initial investment is fully utilized.
Allegro AMI Fixed Network
Allegro™ is a branded suite of AMI communication technologies from Master Meter. Allegro helps address a problem that utilities often face when considering AMI – regardless of a particular utility’s nuances and deployment challenges, the same ‘one size fits all’ AMI radio choice is pushed by a vendor. It brings to mind the adage, ‘when […]
3G Mobile AMR
Why choose drive-by AMR to read water meters when AMI networks are creating so much buzz? 3G Mobile Automated Meter Reading (AMR) is an ideal system choice to solve the challenge of meter read accuracy, cost-effective meter reading collection, identifying water leak issues, and improving customer service yet without FCC licensing or additional infrastructure. It’s […]